Chronic Health Conditions
Chronic Health Conditions

Chronic Health Conditions

Did you know around 70 percent of the Australian adult population have at least one or more chronic health conditions? And up to 30,000 children in West Australia alone have chronic pain.

Many of these chronic conditions are preventable with a healthy sustainable lifestyle including good eating, moderate exercise and reducing technology usage, however too often the cause of these problems is overlooked and many are stuck taking pills indefinitely, that only mask the problem.

Treating patients of all ages and conditions, Dr Chris Rickson (Osteo) uses a combination of soft tissue, structural, dry needling and cranial sacral techniques depending on your condition and your preference to what treatment you like. From maintaining your body and preparing for the birth of your child, Chris cares for your whole family through out their lifetime to ensure you are all happy, healthy and foremost pain free.

Assessing the type of genetics you have, your work place, and the way you use your body at work and at home, Chris will tailor your treatment to ensure you receive the best out of your body and mind.

Techniques to reduce anxiety, depression, stress, headaches and how to breathe properly have helped thousands of previous patients.

“Once you have all the tools you need to support a healthy and happy life and body, all you need is maintenance to remind you of these triggers”

Osteopathy is backed by legitimate peer reviewed research from all around the world and is a government registered and respected profession in Australia.

To make an appointment please book online at or contact us 0404001172

Take the first step in embracing the life you were born to have.

Disclaimer: The content of this blog is informative only and is my opinion. It does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your GP or medical specialist before changing or coming off any medication.