elief for Back Pain: Expert Care at Healthstate Osteopathy
  • Do you suffer from back pain?

    It's estimated that 70-90% of the population will suffer from low back pain at some point in their lives. Interestingly enough it is also one of the most manageable conditions with Osteopathic treatment and following the advice given to you. This may include lifestyle changes, core stability, strengthening and stretching, and changing one's mindset.

    Book an appointment with our Osteopath

  • HealthState practitioners assess and manage all types of back pain including;

    • Sciatica

      Rib pain

    • Upper thoracic pain

      Chest wall pain

    • Scoliosis


    • Disc bulges

      Herniations & Aggravations

    • Nerve compressions

      Referred pain

    If you would like to take benefit of any of these services, click here to book online NOW

Back pain is different for everyone, and it's not just in your head, as many practitioners will tell you. Understanding and managing your condition so you can live a pain free life is what the Osteopaths at HealthState love doing. Utilising a myriad of different treatment techniques as well as education on ergonomics, biomechanics, stretches and strength exercises are also paramount in your management program.

To make an appointment with one of our Osteopaths please book online,
or alternatively you contact us on 0404001172.

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